In this online, self-guided course you will explore your relationship to burnout and explore invitations from the Tarot around identifying and healing from burnout. This class is both an opportunity to learn about Tarot and to deepen your understanding about your patterns and behaviors and provide opportunities for self exploration.

We will dive into the Wands suit through the lens of burnout, overwork and depletion, we will look at different modes of healing through different Tarot cards including Four of Swords and The Empress and we will be inspired by the King of Wands, who provides a model for building an authentic and passionate life while always honoring our energetic limits and boundaries.

Hi, I’m Lauren Holloway of Daisy Chain Tarot

Daisy Chain Tarot is a Tarot, intuitive guidance and meditation practice run by Lauren Holloway out of Echo Park, Los Angeles. Lauren offers various types of Tarot readings online and in-person along with guided meditations and regular online workshops. You’ll find Lauren on Instagram @daisychaintarot and can book a session here.

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